Quality Education 2023

As a part of our distance learning program, UI open its knowledge to the world. We initiates online learning for UI students and also for national and international community, through UI MOOCs and also open educational content. In order to support the initiatives, we develop and maintain distance learning facilities and also support its user.

Lifelong Learning Policy

To support lifelong learning, UI establish policy on distance education and it’s use as a part of the independence learning for students.

  1. UI Strategic plan 2020-2024
  2. Rector decree on distance education and e-learning
  3. Guideline on independence learning
  4. Guideline for Distance Education
Free Courses Leading to Certificate or Award
  • MOOCs
    UI MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) is a program that provides access to the entire community to courses from leading experts at the University of Indonesia. Because they are online, MOOCs can be followed from anywhere. They have expanded the boundaries of education, making it affordable for everyone.
Free Access to Campus Facilities and Equipment
  1. E-learning Management System 
    To facilitate online learning in UI, we provide learning management systems (LMS) based on Moodle LMS, which is managed by the directorate of academic development and learning resources sub-directorate and the directorate of systems and information technology.

    The LMS is called an e-learning management system, or EMAS, and it is accessed through emas.ui.ac.id. Users can log in using a UI single sign-on account. Faculty members can open every class assigned through the academic systems and apply the course learning design so that students can participate in learning activities.

    EMAS has been developed since 2007 and continues to evolve to serve our e-learning and distance learning needs. At the end of 2022, EMAS UI hosted more than 4000 courses from each faculty member and was accessed by users from many regions in Indonesia.
  2. Global Development Learning Network
    GDLN is a learning network initiated by the World Bank in 2000. Today, it has more than 120 learning centers (GDLN affiliates).

    Its main goal is to enable GDLN affiliates to host coordination, consultation, and training events in a timely and cost-effective manner through videoconferencing, high-speed internet resources, and interactive facilitation and learning techniques.
  3. Micro Recording Studio
    In 2022, DPASDP will develop 4 micro recording studios that faculty members can use to self-create educational content.

  4. Smart Classroom
    To support blended learning in UI, we developed 20 smart classrooms, which can simultaneously provide online and offline learning.
Free Access to Online Resource
  • UI partnered with Coursera to provide 1000 students and faculty members with online learning resources.
Public Event

Open Content : 

  • Open Videos
    Open Videos UI is a platform for accommodating distance learning content managed by OVIS DPASDP UI. Some of the video content is presented from webinars, seminars, and public lectures that can be accessed by the public.
  • Ovis UI YouTube
    OVIS UI YouTube is a platform that provides learning resource content and academic reputation building.