Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions 2023
Universitas Indonesia launched a policy regarding academic freedom to support equality and inclusive learning. The academic freedom and autonomy in knowledge refers to the obligation to nurture and upscale knowledge and highly respect freedom of academic forum which include freedom to speak the mind and opinion in academic forum. This freedom also implies complying and obeying all law and regulation. Here it is the policy of academic freedom in Universitas Indonesia:
Statuta UI Number 75 Year 2021, Chapter III, 1st Paragraph
- Statuta UI Number 75 Year 2021, Chapter III, 1st Paragraph.
This regulation contains the organization of higher education and the management and management of universities based on government regulations.
Revised Renstra UI
Revised Renstra UI Periode 2020-2024, 9 UI Main Value
The UI Strategic Plan is a planning document that contains strategies to carry out the mission and realize the vision of UI. This Renstra 2020-2024 is prepared concerning:
(1) Law No. 12/2012 on Higher Education (Law 12/2012); (2) Government Regulation No. 68/2013 on the Statute of the University of Indonesia (PP 68/2013 or UI Statute); – UI Board of Trustees Decision No. 011/SK/MWA-UI/2019 on the General Policy for the Development of the University of Indonesia (UI General Policy) 2019-2024; (3) UI Board of Trustees Regulation No. 004/Peraturan/MWA-UI/2015 on the Bylaws of the University of Indonesia (UI ART); and (4) UI Board of Trustees Regulation No. 001/Peraturan/MWA-UI/2015 on the Long-Term Development Plan of the University of Indonesia (UI RPJP) 2015-2035.
Rector Degree
- Rector Degree No. 572/SK/R/UI/2021
Regarding Technical guide of Kampus Merdeka-Merdeka Belajar, Universitas Indonesia.
Technical Guide
- Technical guide of freedom of learning, campus freedom at Universitas Indonesia.
This Technical Guideline is prepared to facilitate study programs in implementing the “Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (MBKM)” policy and is expected to implement cooperation that supports the MBKM curriculum. The MBKM policy is a policy of the Minister of Education and Culture to accommodate the mandate mentioned by Permendikbud No.3 of 2020 or SN Dikti. Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka provides opportunities for students to have other learning experiences outside their study program.
UI Academic Policy
- UI Academic Policy
A collection of decrees and regulations governing higher education, the organization of learning, and the preparation of BRPs for online learning.
Academic Freedom Policy
- Academic Freedom Policy
It is a collection of decrees and regulations governing higher education, the organization of learning, and the preparation of BRPs for online learning. It allows all teachers to teach based on their respective courses.