Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions 2021

Universitas Indonesia launched a policy regarding academic freedom to support equality and inclusive learning. The academic freedom and autonomy in knowledge refers to the obligation to nurture and upscale knowledge and highly respect freedom of academic forum which include freedom to speak the mind and opinion in academic forum. This freedom also implies complying and obeying all law and regulation. Here it is the policy of academic freedom in Universitas Indonesia:

  1. Statuta UI PP Number 75 Year 2021, Chapter III, 1st Paragraph,
  2. Revised Renstra UI Periode 2020-2024, 9 UI main value,
  3. Rector Decree No. 572/SK/R/UI/2021 regarding Technical guide of Kampus Merdeka – Merdeka Belajar, Universitas Indonesia,
  4. Technical guide of freedom of learning, campus freedom at Universitas Indonesia