Good Health and Well being 2021
Health Outreach Programmes
Universitas Indonesia is committed to providing health education programs to improve or support physical and mental health and well-being including hygiene, nutrition, family planning, exercise, aging well, and other topics of inner and outer health and well-being.
UI through DPASDP UI manages some content and produce MOOCs. This universal academic content for good health and well-being is free to access at OVIS (Open Videos) UI website, OVIS UI youtube channel and open courses at UI Massive Open Online Open Courses. UI also disseminates its content through the use of social media, such as OVIS UI Instagram.
Open Content on Health and Well-Being
- Sleep Training Anak (contains tips on how to overcome and prevent sleep disorders, especially in children under five up to 18 years)
- Karies Gigi Pada Anak (discuss the causes of tooth decay in children, an overview of dental caries, the risk of dental caries in children, and how to prevent dental caries in children)
- Tips Atasi Bau Mulut (Discuss the various causes of bad breath and how to overcome them)
- Tips Rawat Gigi untuk Penderita Diabetes (discusses tips for taking care of teeth and mouth in diabetes, and how to prevent dental complications due to diabetes)
- Kesehatan Gigi Pada Anak (discusses how to deal with a toothache in children, causes of toothache in children, what parents should do when children have a toothache, introduces how to take care of teeth in children, how the phase of tooth growth in children, and bad habits that cause tooth decay in children)
- Konten Q&A : Efek Kopi Pada Gigi (discusses the content in coffee that can damage teeth, and how to take care of teeth for coffee fans)
- Menjaga Kehamilan Selama Pandemi (contains the difficulties faced by pregnant women during the pandemic, special health protocols for pregnant women, the risk of the fetus contracting covid, tips for safe delivery during the pandemic, whether mothers infected with covid can breastfeed, and how pregnant women avoid stress during the pandemic)
- Talkshow RSUI 3 (discusses what to do when diagnosed with cancer, the importance of nutrition for cancer patients, healthy living tips for cancer patients, foods that cancer sufferers can eat, and the importance of positive thinking for healing)
- Talkshow RSUI 4 (discussing tips for managing waste during isoman, disinfecting for homes, exercising during isoman, breathing exercises during isolation, tips for a clean house after isoman, tips for staying fit during WFH, tips for overcoming anxiety during isoman, and playing with children during a pandemic)
MOOCs on Health and Well-being
UI offers online courses as a credit program which the courses are available on These are the online course subject regarding enhancing good health and well-being:
- Pengelolaan Penyakit akibat Kerja (Management of Occupational Diseases)
- Pengantar Bioteknologi (introduction to biotechnology)
- Biologi Molekuler dan Genetika (Molecular Biology and Genetics)
- Manifestasi Infeksi Virus pada Rongga Mulut (Manifestations of Viral Infections in the Oral Cavity)
- Psikologi Politik (positive psychology)
- Toksikologi Industri (Industrial Toxicology)
- Manajemen Risiko (risk management)
- Dietetika Penyakit Infeksi dan Defisiensi (Infectious Diseases and Deficiency Dietetics)
- Dietetika Penyakit Tidak Menular (Non-Communicable Disease Dietetics)
- Dasar Gizi Kesehatan Masyarakat (Basic Public Health Nutrition)
- Kesehatan Lingkungan dalam Bencana (Environmental Health in Disaster)
- Dasar Kesehatan Masyarakat (Basic Public Health)
- Epidemiologi Pengendalian Penyakit Tidak Menular (Epidemiology of Non-Communicable Disease Control)
- Paradigma dan Teori Keperawatan (Nursing Paradigm and Theory)
- Praktikum Keperawatan Gerontik (Gerontic Nursing Practicum)
- Praktikum Keperawatan Medikal Bedah: Sirkulasi dan Respirasi (Medical Surgical Nursing Practicum: Circulation and Respiration)
- Sistem Informasi Manajemen (Management information System)
- Farmakologi Dasar (Basic Pharmacology)
- ICE-I UI, Hematologi – Ongkologi (Hematology – Oncology)
- ICE-I UI, Psikologi Pendidikan Anak Berbakat (Educational Psychology of Gifted Children)